Negotiations of the West with Iran have totally failed. Israelis have taken out several nuclear sites in Iran. The Iranian revolutionary guards and have fired many missiles towards Israel without hitting any important target, but their missiles have landed in the middle of main cities and oil installations of the neighboring countries all around Iran, including UAE, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, triggering a huge wave of mayhem in all of them.
The US and other forces based in the Persian Gulf have attacked the major centers of the command and control of Iran. Western forces have occupied the oil rich parts in the south of Iran and Iraq. They are trying to keep open the lines of producing and transporting the oil and gas from this region. Russians are claiming that Iran has failed to respect parts of 1921 treaty of Iran and Russia and they are worried about protection their area. The Russian forces have come down the Caspian Sea and occupied several Iranian ports in the coasts of the Caspian Sea. They are trying to install puppet governments in the north of Iran supported by the Russians.
The central government in Iran is devastated. The units of the revolutionary guards,IRGC, according to their asymmetric war preparations are fighting on their own in several parts of the country. Some of the Basiji and extremist religious groups are in control of the local governments. A huge wave of Iranian refugees is flooding the neighboring countries in every direction.
None of the opposition groups in Iran is able to form any kind of institutions that is acceptable to a large number of the people. The Iranian opposition outside the country has formed variety of organizations including the government in exile, temporary council of the state, and transition councils in the US and EU countries and each of them have issued countless statements about their legitimacy and support that they have in Iran, yet no one in Iran even listens to what they say. These opposition groups have so many points of contention with each other that they prefer the aliens to the rival factions.
Taliban of Afghanistan and Pakistan and a mixed of Al-Qaeda and similar Salafi and Vahabi forces are practically running Eastern parts of Iranian Khorasan and entire Baluchistan. The Sunni leaders have given Fatwa against the Shiite government of Iran and vowed to fight against the Shiites wherever they can. They are already throwing out the Shiites from these areas and killing or torturing and raping the Shiites. The religious leaders of Sunnis have issued Fatwa that killing Shiites is one of the ways going to heaven. The war of Sunni and Shiites is spreading to the entire country. They see no limits in atrocity, ethnic cleansing and all kinds of war crimes and crimes against humanity. The Shiite-Sunni wars are spreading to the region with the speed of light.
The Kurdish part of Iran has declared unity with the Kurdish autonomous authority in Iraq and the Kurdish fighters are sealing off the area. The Azerbaijan of Iran has declared unity with the Republic of Azerbaijan and an interim government of the unified Azerbaijan has announced its existence in Tabriz, and several countries have recognized them. The movement for liberation of the occupied Arabestan (meaning Iranian Khuzestan) has started its activities in Khuzestan and some of its forces are already fighting with the IRGC and the Kurdish forces claiming to own the oil rich areas of Khuzestan.
The UN has issued seventeen resolutions under various chapters of the UN Charter, asking all sides of conflicts to stop fighting and start negotiation, but not even one of the parties to the quarrel have responded positively or negatively to it. This is said to be the death of the UNO.
Iran is finished as a unit in the old geographical framework. A weak central government is gradually taking shape in Isfahan but it has no authority in the north, south or east and west. The central government has proclaimed a secular regime, while the people all over the older limits of the country are killing Mullahs and destroying anything related to religion. Many mosques and even the shrines in Mashhad and Qom and the grave of Khomeini are completely leveled to the ground and people are burning Koran wherever they find it. Iran in the old meaning has turned into a land locked country without any important sources of oil and gas.