Art Exhibits At The Sa’dabad Cultural Historical Complex

Located in Northern Tehran, The Sa’dabad Complex is a sprawling compound filled with the cultural and imaginative beauty of art galleries.

The complex, first built and inhabited by Qajar monarchs in the 19th century, was home to Reza Shah of the Pahlavi Dynasty in the 1920s, and his son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, who moved there in the 1970s. After the 1979 Revolution, the complex became a museum.

Two recent exhibits were hosted at The Sa’dabad: “100 Athlete Stars & 100 Iranian Artists,” which featured 137 portraits of prominent figures, and a solo show showcasing the paintings of artist Sarvenaz Soltani.

100 Athlete Stars & 100 Iranian Artists

Iran art gallery Iran art gallery Iran art gallery Iran art gallery Iran art gallery Iran art gallery Iran art gallery Iran art gallery Iran art gallery Iran art gallery Iran art gallery


Painting Exhibit By Artist Sarvenaz Soltani

Photo credit: Honar Online

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