Fereydoun Jeyrani’s Thriller ‘Asphyxia’ Wins Award In India

Another film previously featured on The Iranian, Aspyhxia is a Hitchcockian, noir-styled thriller, and has been garnering strong reviews since its limited festival release. Now, after a showing at the Dhaka International Film Festival in Bangladesh, the film’s cinematographer Masoud Salami has received an early award for his work on the movie.

Asphyxia stars Navid Mohammadzadeh and Elnaz Shakerdust, and is designed with an eye-catching and stylized black-and-white presentation. Its plot concerns a nurse working in a mental hospital who becomes embroiled in a complex murder plot. It is the debut film of Fereydoun Jeyrani and was originally released late last year in Iran, but has not had wide US distribution yet.

The Financial Tribune reports that 30 films in total from Iran were screened at Dhaka, including a Women Filmmakers section, which featured Israfil and Tahmineh Milani’s film about Iranian women and marital physical abuse, Rah’haye Narafteh (“Untaken Paths”).


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