Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has taken his U.S. counterpart, Donald Trump, to task on claims of being sympathetic to the people of Iran. In a public address in the southern city of Sirjan in Kerman province, the head of state said his people do not suffer from historical amnesia when it comes to “acts of (U.S.) aggression in the region,” according to PressTV.
“You (the United States) have invaded Afghanistan and Iraq; you are assisting Daesh, and this is you who do not want security in the region,” Rouhani said.
“How can you say you have sympathy for the people of Iran? Can you, who have stood against our Muslim people and called them terrorists, be their supporter?” the head of state asked.
Trump’s first State of the Union address was filled with comments related to the U.S. government’s support for a wave of protests and riots that swept through Iran last month. “I did not stay silent. America stands with the people of Iran in their courageous struggle for freedom,” Trump said.
Rouhani, however, rhetorically challenged U.S. claims of sympathy for the people of Iran, asking “If you are telling the truth, return the people’s assets which you plundered. You imposed sanctions against the Iranian people for years. Were the sanctions in the interest of the people or to their detriment? You even put sanctions on medicine for the Iranian people.”
Having recalled the use of chemical weapons on the Iranian people by the late Iraqi president and former U.S. ally, Saddam Hussein, Rouhani stated that not a single U.S. official expressed concern for their plight, according to PressTV.
“Also today, the Iranian nation is more prepared than any time before to (defend its) independence, national sovereignty, security and progress and to resist against its enemies,” he affirmed.
Via TeleSUR