Saudi Ambassador Accuses Iran Of Attempting To Assassinate Foreign Minister

The Saudi Arabian Ambassador in Washington has accused Iran of attempting to assassinate Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir. Prince Khalid Bin Salman Bin Abdul Aziz made his accusation on Twitter, extracts from which were published by the Saudi daily Al-Riyadh on Tuesday.

“The Iranian regime tried to assassinate the foreign minister here in Washington, has assassinated Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and [has] assassinated its opponents in Europe, and provided money and weapons to terrorist organisations,” claimed the ambassador. “The Iranian regime continues to violate all international laws in a test of the international community’s will. This regime continues to support terrorism in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen by providing funds and missiles to its militias in a flagrant violation of United Nations resolutions.”

He added his belief that the history of Iran is a history of murder and destruction. “The regime has planned and carried out terrorist operations in Buenos Aires in 1994, the Khobar bombings in 1996 and the bombings in Riyadh in 2003.”

Saudi Arabia revealed on Monday that it intercepted seven missiles fired from Yemen by Iranian-backed Houthi rebels the previous day. The Saudi-led Coalition fighting in Yemen has publicly accused Iran of supplying the Houthis with missiles.

Cover photo: Former US secretary of state Rex Tillerson with Saudi Arabia foreign minister Adel Al Jubeir at the US State Department in Washington.

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