Dear Donald, America Was Great Because The Rest Of The World Was A Mess!

In the interest of full disclosure I should state: I am not writing this piece because of the latent hatred towards the United States of America due to the 1953 coup d’état against democratically elected government of Dr. Mossadegh. In spite of numerous US and UK governments self-congratulatory confessions (last one officially in 2013), unlike many of my compatriots I do not blame the USA or UK. All those sequacious soldiers, politicians, thugs, prostitutes, merchants and clergies that came out in support of and gave their ‘tacit’ approval to the coup d’état were neither American nor British. The moral responsibility for the coup d’état solely lay on our own shoulders as they were all born and bred Iranians. Furthermore, I don’t need hatred of US to reinforce my sense of national identity.

I also do not hold any grudges against USA for various political, intelligence, financial and direct military assistance given to the Iraqi dictator during Iran-Iraq war that result in death and injury of thousands of my compatriots. History is full of examples of aggressive and predatory system that impose their will and interest on others either directly or through their vassal system. I am not that deluded to believe that empires built on oppressing others possess virtue of universal benevolence and act based on moral imperative especially when we were endangering their interests, notwithstanding our hollow daily denunciation of their political system.

I would remember our soldiers and volunteers as brave heroes fighting for the honour of their country and their principles not people who were wronged by or were the victims of foreign intrigue. As Mahatma Gandhi put it “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong” and I am from strong people.

Similarly, I am not offended by your supposed moral values or jealous of your political system that allows minority interest groups every four years to put forward a new face or recycle an old one to give the same promise of hope that his predecessors have given in a sham crises of democracy.

Nor I envy of that fruit of your democratic system that every now and then can throw up an ‘anti-establishment candidate’. At best it is nothing but to give politically uneducated plebes the chance to bestow a high public office on yet another Manchurian candidate, with enough Machiavellian smarts to conceal his/her true nature. Or at worst it is a choice between 50 different shades of evil. Yes lopsided democracy can also throw out surprise result, you do not need an insane emperor to appoint an equine to high political office.

No sir, nowadays every two-bit dictatorship has affinity for election and practice the same puppet show, may be not yet as refined as yours. Though they tend to win by landslide and not by Electoral College gerrymandering or a gift bequeathed by ‘private money’.

Finally, I am also not bitter that United State perceives herself as being ‘exceptional’. Frankly, the United State being a unique among nations is one of the very few things that I am in total agreement with you. The society that views ownership of firearm as a human right but sees free universal health care as communism whilst spent billions on armament and is unwilling to pay it’s teachers a decent wage nonetheless happy to arm them, yes that society is a truly exceptional!

I am writing this not as a partisan polemic but as cautionary note to remind you that greatness is not a wealth that you can born into nor can it be bestowed on the society. Let alone to be achieved by society that only share heritage of fear, slavery, segregation, xenophobia, obsession with trapping of patriotism and religion, and unhealthy fixation with guns.

Obama’s presidency was a Machiavellian humdrum affair, interspersed with crowd pleasing oratory, canny self-deprecation, practicing falsehood under saintly show, and drone assassinations. It was ultimately a failure due to his muddle thinking as whom to serve, the people who voted for him and uphold their values or the economic and political forces that helped him get to where he is, he chose to pick where Bush administration had left off, best described by “Message to the Grass Roots” speech by Malcolm X in 1963.

Unfortunately for the US populace and the rest of the world your presidency is also going to be a tremendous failure as you like to put it ‘It’s gonna be yuge failure!’ Not because you are going to flirt between moral imperative and self-interest, not because of your scandalous ridden or crooked personal and professional life, or even your supposed fight with other bottom feeders in the swamp. It is only because of your flawed character.

Instagram post

You joined the presidential race as a publicity stunt to promote Trump Brand, from paid actors to cheer for you to doling out unattainable hope and downright lies preying on people’s dreams and fears (that is terrifying). Unfortunately for all of us running a superpower is not like running a Trump University, scamming thousands of people with deceptive ads and promises of brighter future, now you have to deliver a modicum of results. It is then that you and your billionaire bigoted administration will come stuck. Even that simple draining of Washington swamp won’t be happening because if it wasn’t for the same swamp and its ecosystem you and your family wouldn’t have got to where they are financially and politically (I am sure you remember your four bankruptcies with other people’s money and that cumulative $359 million Tax reduction for your first project and subsequent $37.5 million that you got through the court for your Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue and other ‘legal’ tax dodging. Did you mention them in your book “The Art of the Deal“? If not blame it on your ghost writer!).

Your past history shows that you are not principled, religiously or politically, or even ideologically soulmate with people that you have surrounded yourself with. You chose your band of merry men and women (or even those that were loaned to you by other) because they all share your personality traits: liar, mercenary, racist, psychopath and moron. Your relation with them is a more symbiotic, they reaffirm your inflated sense of your own importance and you provide them with platform to elevate their chauvinistic and xenophobic narratives, tying them into the state itself. Like a Great Pacific Garbage Patch that attracts more trash on a daily-basis. Although one might argue that this analogy is entirely false because what we call trash today began life as something useful and even now it can be recycled to something beneficial to mankind, while these apparition of human beings have never been useful/productive for mankind and won’t be in the future.

Your hallmark of narcissistic personality and your childhood baggage in addition to your impulse control issues have dramatically changed the facade of US administration from your predecessors. Gone the painful lessons learned from consequence of gross geopolitical mismanagement such as brutal US intervention in Indochina and American Latin, and most recently Afghanistan and Iraq, that America’s omnipotence is beholden to the goodwill of other nations for its success and it has not achieved anything singlehandedly apart from the invasion of little Grenada and Panama, or the test of atomic weapons on already defeated Japanese civilians on a verge of surrender. Otherwise, a barefooted man or a small concave copper disc can bring your military down morally and financially to the point that you would be forced to sit down and negotiate your exit strategy.

Tweeting and lying glibly your way in a race to the bottom your presidency paving a much more perilous road, relinquishing any vestige of pretence in supporting the democratic values, ethic and human right, instead pandering to insecurity, prejudice and bigotry towards foreigners from the outset, giving vastly unrealistic, hollow promises and falsehoods. From building a great wall, and ‘your electorates going to win so much that they are going to be so sick and tired of winning’ to the beauty of you is that you are very rich! (Not to mention the beauty of your bird nest hairdo).

As for your legacy of “beautiful wall” goes, every nation needs a monument to its follies. French gave you a Statue of Liberty but on your own you managed only to copy an Egyptian obelisk or deface a mountain (one a cultural and the other an environmental vandalism), perhaps the wall is the best thing to represent you: big, vacuous, cold, overpriced and a blot on the landscape.

No sir your administration legacy won’t be saved even with hundreds of photo ops with glowing orb and despot from the cast of 7th century ghouls revival show or hours of chit chat with your new bestie that chubby Korean megalomaniac. The danger is that for a narcissist like you, maintaining and prolonging the illusion is the primary goal and when you fail you have to find a scapegoat or even a war to mask your failure.

Today America’s malaise are bigger than you, your beautiful wall or hard working immigrants or even the ‘bad hombres’ from the South. They are mostly stem from two important points, first the calibre of its political elites and second America has become victim of its own success.

Point one: quality of your ruling class

In today’s United State self-interest trumps everything among American rent-a-intellectual and the ruling class alike. With few exceptions, for the past 242 years there has not been another Thomas Jefferson risen among your political class and the fruits of your intellectual and journalistic class (except tiny few) are no better than court jesters giving an illusion of intellectual freedom and free press, and there are no more Thomas Paine. Worst the cream of your political elites are either people like you and your scheming Vice President (VP) with foresight and ambitions of Antechinus, or people that instead of serving their constituents act as a parasite on their host country body politic, by supporting people or ideological strand that benefit their own/adopted mother country.

Absurdly the only criteria which are required to be a US politicians are fealty to AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), placing the interests of the corporate world first, insalubrious preoccupation with women reproductive choices and to be able to walk and fart simultaneously.

This is not to say that all of US politicians are incompetent, loser or a disgrace as you called them during the campaign trail, it is to say that they are in fact epitomise the values that are deeply anchored in todays United State of America culture, as you succinctly put it “The point is, you can never be too greedy”.

Equally this is not to say that American society does not have a DNA to be great (as any other society) or diminish/ ignore the great contributions that many Americans (all immigrants or their descendants) have done in the fields of art, science and humanity. It is to point to the abject failure of its ruling class/system that only able to offer them constantly a choice between liars, warmongers, clowns, or snake oil salesmen.

Point two: your values have won

The American capitalist values, brand of thinking and military doctrine has become norm across the wide spectrum of political culture. Now every political strand from left or right to the theocracy cater for greed, everywhere has its own form of McDonald’s, Disney, Kardashians and being vacuous and empty is highly praised and dumbing-down have become an art in itself. After all you get what you need in 10 seconds from FOX and friends and still get a feeling of intellectual superiority! Laws are no more broken as they are tailored to protect and enrich the wealthy.

From left: Brian Kilmeade, Ainsley Earhardt and Steve Doocy hosting the “Fox & Friends” program last year.

Your past adversaries have stolen your clothes, Chinese are more free marketer than you, even The Soviet dictatorship, the enemy that use to make US look good, is no more (it died under its own weight over two decades ago). Today, Russia is governed by coalescence of oligarchs, intelligence operatives and corrupt politicians – more akin to US government. American policymakers squandered decades of every opportunity that USSR self-immolation, a unipolar world and tacit goodwill of world community provided them. Successive US administrations adopted a policy that rather than articulating and seeking to assuage the anxieties of their citizens or the citizens of the world, they just either manipulating them or manufacturing the consent for their own ends.

Decades on, empty and rundown USA system have reduced to fight cave dwelling, mentally/sexually depraved people that die for promissory hope of 72 virgins, (interestingly educated and engorged in your own protectorate the Wahhabistan’s religious schools and ideology of the Saudi Arabia) or preoccupied with your dalliance with porn star(s) or pander to tiki torch-carrying half-wit.

Alas, it is near impossible for the Empires at their zenith to think of the time of their demise, so they can prepare, and US is no different. Unfortunately for the lumbering US political system the world has changed so drastically since Soviet demise that it is unable to adjust to new multipolar world. Rapid economic growth by populous countries have afforded them disproportionate financial, military strength and new self-confidence. However, it seems the profoundest plan that US can come up with is to seek, conjure and resurrect a yet another external enemy (imaginary or otherwise). Firstly, to ensure the compliance of its populace and obedience of its increasingly estranged allies in Europe and Far East. Secondly, to justify its ever increasing military presence around the world and ballooning military expenditures (US military spending account for more than 37% of the total world military spending).

The writing is on the wall

In truth American empire decline began long before your arrival, by election of another actor/clown Ronald Reagan 36 years prior. Like you he was the late comer to politics and religion but shared your form of patriotism. Unlike other actors he did not fight for his country during the Second World War, not because of bone spur just because he had bad eyesight and was acting patriotic in the movies. In his defence, he was older and poorer so he couldn’t get an educational deferment.

During his presidency the American body politic become completely privatised by foreign interest and financial donors, fully embracing systems of privilege and new cadre of politico-ideologue and religious hypocrite were taken a centre stage. High on their own gaseous by product saw the USSR self-implosion as a sign of their righteousness, and their mission to convert or subvert any nation to the American way of life and by doing so lay foundation for destruction of all the established world order since WWII. In foreign policy front Reagan era was spent on organising and running right-wing death squad under CIA tutelage in American Latin, propping up dictatorship around the world and fostering Jihadi virus in Afghanistan to counter Soviet influence. In domestic policies enamoured with idea of “supply-side” economics (simply Tax cut for wealthy will stimulate economy and in return taxing the working class to replace the tax revenue lost in the first place). They went about cutting taxes, increasing defence spending and thus the deficit. However, unable to reduce the deficit with Orwellian economic policy, they relied solely on three main policies: Tax cut, low interest rates and above all defence spending hike to stimulate the US economy hence the job market.

In truth American empire decline began long before your arrival, by election of another actor/clown Ronald Reagan 36 years prior.

It is noteworthy that during his period the US gave its protégé the Saudi Arabia the green light to promote and infiltrate its brand of intolerance and backward Islam to every society from Jakarta to Paris.

In the moral vacuum of US government the Christian fundamentalist/Zionist and prosperity bible conglomerates dispense with Jesus teaching and created their own new golden calf. One was pushing for the final battle at Armageddon and Rapture, the other was rationalising the greed in the God’s name. Although neither reflected the values of Christian faith (see below Psalm 72:4, Zechariah 7:10, Proverbs 22:16) they exemplified the new US foreign and internal policies. These new religious hypocrites (see below Timothy 4:3) loved the power of being a kingmaker, encroaching political religion into government and the sound bite of ‘Christian nation’ without choking on those words.

While USA have been in moral and spiritual skid row for decades the addition of these religious charlatans to the fabric of government add more impetus to the over-all US decay. These glaring, gross absurdities and hypocrisies in the US evangelical politicians presently is personified in your VP Mike Pence and exemplified in their crusade against women reproductive rights/health and personal choices, while focusing state resources in defence of foetus “Life begins at fertilization” they abhor providing the financial support for living babies. They happily advocate anything that are inherently contrary to the Christian values; advocating the suspension of minimum wage in the disaster area, especially the Davis-Bacon legislation forcing federal contractors to pay fair wages (In aftermath of Hurricane Katrina) and jailing children and separating the families of refugees, to name a few, which all are breath-taking. However, their message was/ is loud and clear: empathy and compassion are burden on the government policy and inequality is a virtue.

You have no solution

The succeeding administrations untether and unchecked run by cads, clowns and right-wing ideologues continued reshaping entire US economic and political structure in favour of corporate business and preside over slow collapse of social democracy. In foreign policy arena with clear agenda they went about expanding NATO, and making Middle East in Israelis image (at any cost).

To demonstrate US invincibility and maintain the ‘credibility’ of US armed forces and its new found purpose US begin with series of small to medium foreign wars under different guise or excuses. Firstly, under the pretext of protection of it citizen (Grenada), then fighting drugs (Panama) in fact they were trying to sack one of the CIA external employees, then UN peace keeping or stabilization forces (Lebanon, Somalia), and so on, culminating to the first Persian Gulf War (as President Bush the senior put it “kicked the Vietnam syndrome once and for all.”) and ‘humanitarian intervention’ in form of bombing Serbia and Kosovo, whilst enriching the private /state’s security forces and military industrial complex.

However, perpetual war (on drug, on terror, on individual freedom and whomever you don’t like their face, colour etc.) and full-spectrum unipolar global domination cost money and to do that involved borrowing/printing more to pay for more foreign wars and mass surveillance system and abilities that would have made STASI bosses die of envy (especially after 9/11). At the same time they continued using legislative tools to push for further deregulation, privatisation and special tax breaks which had an adverse impact on federal revenues.

In doing so US not only destabilised the world economies but also degraded established rules-based World order. Mounting an unprecedented assault on international law by treating every international accord and world body with disdain. Frightfully not only these acts done more to weaken and diminish democratic values around the world but also set a dangerous precedent that drove everyone from friends to foes to look for the force equalizer. A big folly that made for a more unsafe and unstable world. Sadly calamitous consequences of these actions and their ripple effect can be seen in creation of extremist jihadi ideology, many more failed states (Libya, South Sudan), devastating phony civil wars (Yemen, Syria), annexation of Crimea by Russia and China territorial and maritime claim in the Indo-Pacific region. So much so that even minions are getting on the lawlessness act albeit with US blessing and cooperation, such as blockade of Qatar and blockade/invasion of Yemen by Saudi and her axis of weasel. But I digress.

At the same time based on data published by Congressional Budget Office and US Treasury US gross debt to gross domestic product (GDP) ratio that has been below 50% for decades, but since 2013 it has equalled or surpass GDP and now standing at 104.66%. Furthermore, US total debt (includes household, business, state and local governments, financial institutions, and federal government) has risen progressively since 2000 to 168% in 2018 (source Federal Reserve) making the US economic outlook unusually fragile. As a consequence of successive tax cut for the rich and especial interests (reducing US corporate tax rates in real term from 35% to 9%) in addition to ever reducing expenditure on infrastructure and low to middle income household, 38.6% of wealth have been accumulated in the hands of only 1% of population. Data based on the US Census Bureau’s 2015 indicate that 43.1 million Americans lived in poverty i.e. 13.5% of Americans population. More disturbingly, according to the World Bank, 3.2 million Americans live on less than $1.90 a day in 2013. This is at the time that giving money to foreign government or its army is considered a charity hence tax exempt.

However, for an economy driven by consumer spending and factoring 70% of all economic activity in US is based on borrowing/ Debt to maintain the American illusion they needed to allay the fear and consternation among US voters by sustaining low inflation and access to cheap loan (keeping interest rates artificially low/ low borrowing rate) and even cheaper goods, which in absence of tax revenue is only possible by running a deficit. To fund its deficit US have been routinely issuing US Treasury bond. Purchase of US Treasury bond by foreign governments and US Federal Reserve inflate the value of the dollar making its buying power more and also increase internal capital investment.

In return the outsourcing of services and transfer of manufacturing to the cheap labour and unregulated countries provide low-cost services and products that help balancing US household budget with reduced earnings. Above all still keep them believing that social mobility is attainable otherwise the fading of this mirage could threaten the social stability of the US.

This situation is pleasing and valuable only to the most mendacious, opening the door for ever more lobbying power for wealthy, large multinational corporations and foreign powers. The 2017 report by Oxfam indicated that 50 largest US companies stash about $1.6 trillion offshore in 2015 while the same companies between 2009 and 2015 spent $2.5 billion on lobbying to influence US government including tax issues ‘’Oxfam estimated that for every $1 spent lobbying on tax, they received an estimated $1,200 in tax breaks’’.

Current US government debt stand over $21 trillion which foreign countries are holding $6.35 trillion of this debt. China, with $1.2 trillion and Japan with $1.06 trillion are the highest holder of US government debt.

Interestingly it was during the Clinton era that US manage to reduce deficit and a budget surplus for the first time since the late 1960s by opening the door wide open to the new and a much more subtle new empire China and many more past foes that came out of the cold.

Until you came about the new messiah of Prosperity Gospel and Christian Zionist. Ever so humble you explicated this ascension well “I will give you everything. I will give you what you’ve been looking for for 50 years. I’m the only one.” So nothing change there.

The end is nigh

An important ingredient of US success in achieving economic and political dominance is her constant use of force or threat of force in her bilateral and international relations, and willingness in engaging and supporting of the most reprehensive régimes around world.

America have used combination of military, economics and diplomatic pressure through array of international bodies created in the aftermath of Second World War and the fear of communism as a tool to manipulate/govern (interfere with democratic choices), remake and regulate the political, economic and social institutions of its allies and lay global state of siege against its opponents. In addition, it has used fallacious/preposterous claim of ‘being exceptional’ to run roughshod over all international bodies/treaties or even break her own given international commitment. Demonstrated by withdrawing from International Criminal Court, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Paris agreement on climate change, Iran nuclear deal JCPA (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), to give a few. This immense ability has been only possible due to US dollar was imposed on rest of the world as the official global currency.

It is not conjecture to state that the US modern economic growth is solely dependent on its military strength and fortunate events of First and Second World War (for the USA) helping her to spread her brand of cultural and economic dominance. If it was not for the gifts of two ruinous world wars bestowed on USA where all other industrial nations and developed powers devoured each other and emergence of communist ideology, US would not have been able to impose dollar as a sole global reserve currency. In July 1944 a year before the end of the Second World War in Europe, USA exploited the chaos and ongoing suffering that enveloped the whole world to coerce, blackmail and bribe the rest of the world to accept the dollar as their only trading currency through Bretton Woods system of monetary management and created the Bretton Woods institutions – the IMF and the World Bank. A financial system based on both gold and the US dollar. Thus helping to shape international finance in its favour.

US government used this advantageous position to build and expand its infrastructure on the back of worthless currency resulting in military and economic growth, general sense of stability and contentment among its citizens in ensuing decade, booming 1950’s.

US real GDP rose from $7334 billion at start of the WWI to $8648 billion at end of the war, the same was true for WWII, US economy rose from $10459 billion in 1939 to $15992 billion in 1945. During 1950’s real GDP rose from $15241 billion at start of the decade to $17901 billion at end of the decade. (Source Maddison Project Database, version 2018).

However, as US financial state enhanced it needed more money for the infrastructure and military. It was then that problem of high inflation began to arise as the US took to printing money in order to pay for internal deficits. The excess paper dollar far exceeds that of combined value of US economy and gold reserve. US policymakers solved this by adopting the Marshall Plan in 1948. A plan for rebuilding western European countries with loan and grant by inflationary dollar. Japan was also a recipient of this inflationary largesse. While US gold reserves was in steady decline due to increased imports, France and later on Germany, Japan and Canada demanded their dollar to be converted into gold exposing the US stratagem weakness. US averted the threat to dollar posed by these demands (By 1971, US had only $52 billion worth of gold, while foreign countries hold $132 billion of dollars) by combination of clever economic and political ruse. Beginning first with keeping its disgruntle allies in line with the fear of expansionist communist ideology and the USSR, and secondly decoupled dollar from gold, ending Bretton Woods gold convertibility. However, for Washington to be able to go on printing worthless papers that can still be converted to real goods and services it needed to create an artificial or cause for demand. It was then when the US made sweet-heart deal with the most backward and barbaric regimes in the world to sell oil only in dollar (the concept of the petrodollar) and keep their excess oil revenue in the form of US debt securities. In return US promised to protect them against their own citizens and external forces and allowed them to disseminate their intolerant and violent ideology across the globe unimpeded (the birth of Jihadi virus).

For dollar domination to prevail an artificial demand and trust are an absolute requirements. With an erratic, predacious and autocratic behavior of US in recent decades, and its use of trade and dollar as an instrument of geo-economic/politic coercion against countries that refuse to toe its line whether allies or opponent, it is not possible to maintain. This have forced countries to rethink their ever dependence on petrodollar, resulting in petrodollar being increasingly under threat by many oil producing and consuming countries that are under US cross-hair or want to have a more independent internal and foreign policies. Countries like Russia, Iran, Venezuela, China, and India have begun to exchange goods/services and oil in other currency than US dollar (including cryptocurrency), making theirs and the world economy less dependent on US Fiat money. Although Iraqi and Libyan government tried to do the same both countries were invaded by US and their governments were deposed, since then both countries are beset by internal strife and in danger of becoming complete failed state. This moving away from dollar by export-led countries such as China or other East Asian countries like Japan and South Korea can have devastating effect on US economy and world domination.


It would be simplistic to suggest that US decline would be only based on tax cut, deficit or petrodollar as discussion of the end of empires while they are still functioning all be it at slower speed and factoring changing world political alliance, formation of new economic blocs, emergence of new competitors (formation of cooperative multilateral mechanisms by states) and technological advances make our prediction fraught with uncertainty and susceptible to distortion of outcome.

Nevertheless, USA has been able to run a gargantuan deficit, wage wars, prop up despotic regimes, undermine its opponent, dominate its allies and expand its technological advances solely because USA is able to print dollar funds that are created ex nihilo. This ability to print money have been the saviour of USA.

Today nostalgic longing for the past greatness by those ‘America first’ people is also stem from the same ability. A wishful dream of US working class for 1950’s, the time when the whole world was still suffering from aftermath of devastating Second World War and there was no globalisation and no technological advances that have made unskilled and semi-skilled worker redundant. US was able to spend money as fast as it could print them and export resulting inflation to the rest of the world rebuilding their infrastructure.

However, in preceding decades US have privatised everything from its government/politicians to their religion and the army. The intimate relations between private and state power practically has become incestuous. To their shame the US government has been enthralled to various sorts of chauvinism, served by mediocre congressmen/women and paralysed by incompetence and partisanship. Laws have been formulated to protect corporate interests while overlooking the interests of citizens and social problems. US wanton and undeclared imperialism have given rise to a more unstable world, many more failed states and in particular to the emergence of new challengers to the US hegemony.

Presently, if the rise of multipolar world is not a complete proof of the US waning power, the America’s relative economic weakening, slow collapse of public health and educational system and complete US moral decline – are. US national debt is growing and the degree of society prosperity is increasingly being measured by the ability to purchase cheap electronic imports and fast food rather than access to affordable high quality education and health care. Destitute of spiritual leadership and led by new class of Pharisees the measure of a man faith is also being sized by the extent of his/her wealth.

Although seeing the products of Ivy leagues education are people like you and Dubya and even private religious ‘liberal’ arts college with a motto preparing ‘students to be Christ’s agents of renewal in the world’ only produce people like your Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, it seems that even money cannot buy or install quality in US today because your education system seems capable of only teaching the price of everything and value of nothing.

However, the silver lining for the United States of America is that for the time being none of its competitors nor perceived enemies are seeking to unseat it from its perch.

American plutocracy government sees free press and voice of dissent among its citizens as ‘enemy within’ which should be confronted by vast system of mass surveillance, militarised police and expansion of the power of the intelligence apparatus, all hallmark of declining empire.

However, the silver lining for the United States of America is that for the time being none of its competitors nor perceived enemies are seeking to unseat it from its perch. Russia’s economy alone is too small, China has her own large population size, infrastructure and wealth gap to cope with, Europeans are too fragmented politically and culturally, and too civilised to jeopardise their own security and comfort. Other developing nations are still struggling to find a right balance between government corruptions and satisfying the needs of their populations. The geo-economic and political grouping (The Shanghai Co-operation Organization (SCO), the BRIC countries) are still in their infancy. Importantly, due to diverging interest, political and historical suspicions there has not been any concrete worked done in forming EU-Russia or Russia-China axis to counter the increasingly US hubristic behaviour. As for the rest of the world, they are merely seeking to be left alone from pernicious meddling of US government and its minions. Equally all emerging powers understood the concept of ‘Yin and Yang’, for them to look pleasing they need an ugly evil empire run by belligerent and entitled elites. Every Cinderella needs the ugly sisters and wicked stepmother. Making a presence of USA a necessary evil. Above all globalisation and ever interdependent world economies have made everyone to agree that the most gluttonous nation in the world to be able to continue creating fund ex nihilo and to buy their products thus making present economic lie to last a little longer. In return they only want to make US understand that it has to share its position on a more equal basis.

‘The king is dead, long live the kings’.

Psalm 72:4

May he defend the afflicted among the people and save the children of the needy; may he crush the oppressor

Zechariah 7:10

And oppress not the widow, nor the fatherless, the stranger, nor the poor; and let none of you imagine evil against his brother in your heart

Proverbs 22:16

One who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth and one who gives gifts to the rich—both come to poverty.

Timothy 4:2-3

2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

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