Iran has threatened to shoot down US military helicopters in the Persian Gulf.
The incident took place on October 26 when Iranian fast boats were harassing the US Navy’s USS Essex assault ship and at least one other from the Essex Amphibious Ready Group, NBC News reported.
According to NBC News, six fast inshore attack craft (FIACs) were belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy. They approached both the USS Rushmore and the Essex while an Iranian sailor issued a threat by radio, warning that if the Essex kept flying fly one of its helicopters around the Iranian boats the Iranians would shoot at it.
Commanding general of U.S. Central Command Joseph Votel was visiting the Essex Amphibious Ready Group when the Iranian FIACs harassed it.
The October 26 encounter is the most recent in a series of incidents between Iranian and US forces in the Persian Gulf. The Trump administration has repeatedly threatened to cut off the Iranian oil sails by economic, diplomatic and even military means. While this would be a significant blow to the Iranian economy, Teheran is not going to surrender its interests. In turn, Iran is threatening to close the Persian Gulf for the US-led bloc.