Khamenei Rules Out Possibility Of War With US Despite Tensions

The announcement by the Iranian leader comes amid increasing tensions between the Islamic Republic and the US, which has recently increased its military presence in the Middle East in order to counter Tehran.

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei rules out the possibility of war between the United States and Iran despite heightened tensions between the two sides, saying Washington knows engaging in such a conflict would not be in its interest.

Ayatollah Khamenei made the remarks on Tuesday in Tehran, meeting with the heads of the country’s Executive, Judiciary, and Legislative Branches as well as other senior officials, parliamentarians, and important figures in the country’s political, social, and cultural spheres.

The Leader further said any confrontation between the US and Iran would not be “a military one,” and that “there was not going to be any war.”

“The Iranian nation’s definite option will be resistance in the face of the US, and in this confrontation, the US would be forced into a retreat,” Ayatollah Khamenei said. “Neither us nor them, who know war will not be in their interest, are after war.”

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