Western Countries And Russia’s Hypocrisy Over Iran’s Nuclear Program And Its People

Western countries, Russia, and to a lesser degree, China have taken advantage of weaker nations and abused their power because they have nuclear bombs. Western countries and Russia have walked away from international agreements or simply ignored them. Iran has signed many treaties and acted in good faith, including some before the revolution. Many Iranians opposed the Shah’s policy of giving away Bahrain as they knew the British government should not be trusted in signing treaties. In a treaty, Britain agreed to leave the region in 1971; however, their warships returned in 1976 and have remained in the Persian Gulf since that time.

Similar to Japan and Germany, Iran has no plan(s) to build an atomic bomb. The Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) was created in Geneva, Switzerland in 1968 with Iran joining it that same year. Unfortunately, this treaty has discriminated Iran without Iran violating its obligations. Iran should have equal rights as other member countries to do whatever it wants in the field of nuclear technology. Despite likely having the technical know-how, Iran has not built the bomb because it felt it did not need it.

It is argued that NPT and the IAEA were created by Western countries and Russia to control weaker countries; largely because stronger countries, especially those that have atomic bombs, do not obey many agreements. For example, in 1995 the agreement of the non-nuclear-weapon NPT countries stated to implement a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) which to date has yet to be implemented.

NPT is required to provide its members with whatever they need, be it technology, materials or equipment. However, it has discriminated Iran under the pretext that Iran may build a bomb and as a result has lost credibility because of its bias. In light of this, Iran should leave this organization for it has not benefited from it. Moreover, Iran should also leave the IAEA as it has also been discriminatory towards Iran, placing more watchdogs than any other country on its civilian nuclear sites without offering any tangible benefits to Iran.

Western countries, Russia, and China must know that if they continue to take advantage of Iran by imposing illegal sanctions and cornering Iran to sell its natural resources e.g., oil and gas under market prices, then their actions could eventually force Iran to produce a nuclear weapon similar to North Korea.

Discrimination Against Iran

Iran has not attacked any country in the past 200 years, but it has been attacked many times openly and clandestinely. Iran is surrounded by nations that have nuclear bombs such as Pakistan, India, and Russia. Russia, France, Germany, and other countries had taken advantage of Iran and benefited financially by selling arms to Saddam Hussein before and during 1980-1988 when Iraq attacked Iran. Iran has the right to defend its people.

Iran’s investments in French, German, and American companies have been confiscated. In some cases, companies have been bankrupted, depriving Iran of their stake, such as Pan Am (Pan American World Airways) when Iran owned over 40% of the company’s public shares.

Nuclear-armed countries have made false allegations based on faulty reports similar to Iraq having Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) (2003 President Bush, Jr.). Western countries have also taken artifacts from West Asian countries such as Iran and Iraq and are currently displaying them in their museums. These items must be returned to their countries of origin. In October 2018, in interviewing seven British historians in the City of Bristol, all mentioned that the majority content showcased in British museums have either been taken by force or stolen.

Western countries have made billions of dollars by selling arms to Arab countries of the Persian Gulf region, stoking tensions in an already volatile region. Yet, Iran has not yet decided to make an atomic weapon despite having advanced nuclear technology.

By arming the tyrant Saddam Hussein, the entire world supported Iraq when it was given the green light to attack Iran. Western countries provided arms, poison gas, and much financial support to Iraq and other Arab nations. When two Kuwaiti parliamentary members were interviewed in 2003, they mentioned that they were afraid of Saddam Hussein. However, criminal Saddam Hussein was let to believe that if he attacked Kuwait (April Glaspie report), it would be an internal matter. Saddam attacked Kuwait and Iraq ended up compensating Kuwait for the damages done to it. However, no country has to date paid any damage(s) to Iran. Many Iranians are suffering from chemical and poison gas that were sold to Iraq by Western companies against Geneva Convention.

Iran has generously housed several million refugees because of Russia and Western aggression. Iran should open its borders and let the countries that caused destruction in West Asia deal with the millions of refugees now living there. Iran has received very little to no financial aid for supporting the needs of millions of refugees who escaped to Iran and have remained there. Millions of these refugees should be escorted to Western countries demanding justice for being dislocated and terrorized by dropping bombs, including those containing illegal white phosphorus.

Afghan refugees in Iran

Who has given the right to Western countries and Russia to indiscriminately drop bombs on people, including the elderly and children? Many people have lost their lives, limbs, suffer from PTSD and are in poor health, similar to the effects of Agent Orange which Vietnamese people still suffer from almost fifty years later. There have been many failed operations in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Somalia, Syria, and one of the longest wars in history, namely Afghanistan. Sadly, some people still believe the lies and false flag operations that Western countries and Russia have used to get their people’s support.

Iranians have every right to be upset that nuclear Russia, China, and many European nations have failed to honor their responsibilities in various agreements or worst yet, ignored them entirely. And while Iranians do not wish to enter into any conflict, the country has a responsibility to defend its citizens and to stand for its sovereign rights.

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