Iran vows to respond to EU’s probable use of ‘trigger mechanism’

Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said that ‘dispute resolution mechanism’ which is also known as the trigger mechanism exists for both sides of the deal and Iran can use it as well.

“If Europeans use the trigger mechanism, Iran will have to reconsider some of its commitments to IAEA; there also exists the same mechanism for this side of the deal; its not be the case that others use this capacity and Iran doesn’t,” Larijani said on Sunday in a press conference in Tehran held on the occasion of Majlis [Parliament] Day.

The remarks came as French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian urged Iran to return to full implementation of the JCPOA, threatening Tehran with the enactment of the JCPOA’s ‘dispute resolution mechanism’. Iran is reducing its commitments to the deal in a transparent and reversible approach as part of its inherent right in the agreement since other parties have failed to secure Iran’s interest after US unilateral withdrawal from the deal and imposition of sanctions.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Larijani said that “Today, enemies seek to create problems in the country and destroy the position of the Parliament … but they will not succeed.”

Larijani briefed Iranian and foreign media on measures and laws adopted by the Parliament during the past four years. The remarks come as the next parliamentary election is slated to be held on January 21 across the country and candidates can register in their respective cities until next Saturday.

Talks with US

Answering CBS News reporter’s question about prospects of talks between Iran and the United States, Larijani said that “America insists on sanctions and ‘Maximum Pressure’ policy to force the Islamic Republic into negotiation but Iran insists that sanctions must be removed if there is going to be any talks.”

Larijani went on to say that there has always been a political will for negotiation and there are no deadlocks on this path.

“The point is that the ‘Maximum Pressure’ is a wrong policy and they [Americans] should revise it,” he said, adding, “some countries are putting efforts in this regard and we have not closed the doors but the main issue is that Americans should understand that this is not a correct approach.”

“Once, they were imposing pressure that Iran should forget its nuclear program; I even remember they said that Iran should not have even one centrifuge; did they succeed? No,” noted the speaker.

“President Obama sent a letter writing that he has recognized Iran’s right to enrich uranium and then called for talks. If American authorities have this same amount of rationality, they will use past experiences and solve the problem as the doors are not closed.”

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