Episode Description: This week, Reza gives the people a special episode dedicated to breaking down the Trump Administration killing Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani, why doing so was a bad idea, and the thinking behind Iran’s response going forward. Amir Handjani, Board Member at the Atlantic Council and Security Fellow with the Truman National Security Project, chats with Reza about Trump’s decision to kill a senior foreign government official in broad daylight, its impact inside and outside of Iran, and where U.S.-Iran relations might go from here.
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About Reza Marashi: With 15 years of experience working in both the U.S. government and Washington DC think tank world, Reza Marashi breaks down American foreign policy, the lack of diplomatic engagement and military restraint that is guiding it, the cast of characters that are making this unsustainable problem worse, and how all of this is firmly not in the national interest of the United States.