Iraqi PM lauds Iran’s assistance in fighting Daesh

Iranian Ambassador to Baghdad Iraj Masjedi in a message referred to his meeting with new Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, saying he appreciated Iran’s aid in fighting the terrorist group Daesh (the ISIS).

During the meeting, Al-Kadhimi talked about mutual cooperation and the continuation of measures in the field of the Algiers Agreement 1975 Banking cooperation, Khorramshahr-Basra railway, and visas for the citizens of the two countries, Masjedi said.

He promised to establish full cooperation and praised Iran’s assistance in fighting ISIS, he added.

Al-Kadhimi said that Iran and Iraq are friends and brothers.

Iran’s Ambassador Iraj Masjedi, for his part, congratulated Al-Kadhimi for winning parliament’s vote of confidence and wished success for his new cabinet.

He also called for boosting bilateral relations and strengthening mutual cooperation in all areas.

Earlier, the Iraqi prime minister reiterated in a meeting with Iran’s ambassador to the country that Baghdad is interested in the best ties with the Islamic Republic of Iran in all fields.

Noting that his country will never be a crossing point or headquarters for terrorism or a place to attack another country and the arena for resolving disputes, the new premier stressed Iraq’s interest in the best ties with Iran and all neighboring states in such a way that the interests of the two neighboring nations and the stability and security of the region are ensured.

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