Iran successfully launches homegrown missile defence system during military exercise

Iran has successfully launched the Bavar-373 missile defence system destroying a long-range target for the first time, during the ′′Defenders of Velayat Skies 99″ manoeuvre.

The Iranian army’s website reported on Thursday: “In the context of implementing this phase of manoeuvres, and following attacks carried out by strategic and long-range aircraft against predetermined targets, the Bavar-373 missile system detected and identified a target with a very low radar cross section, to successfully destroy it from a long range, for the first time within the framework of a comprehensive air defence mechanism.”

In his statement, Brigadier General Abbas Farajpour, spokesman for the joint air defence exercise, considered that: “The success we achieved has enabled the country to rank among the world’s elites in this field.”

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He added: “Of course, we will not stop at this level, and we are always working to upgrade our defence systems and equipment to protect the country’s sky.”

This is the first time that Iran launched the homegrown strategic Bavar-373 defence system, which was unveiled last year, during air defence manoeuvres.

This defence system was manufactured by experts in the defence industry and the army’s air defence force.

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