6522 +

Before the civilized world does something, how many Syrian men, women and children do the Battist murderers of Bashar Assad have to slaughter?

That is the question posed a little over a month ago back in December 13 of last year.  At the time, the total number of Syrian men, women and children murdered by the Battists, Islamist Rapist Republic (IRR) and their Lebanese Hezbollah terrorist houseboy stood at 5000+.

Fast forward past the farcical Arab League’s “monitoring observer mission” which, on the average, resulted in at least 40 murdered Syrians per day for the duration of the mission and you get to the current numbers as of the morning of Saturday January the 21st:  

Total murdered to date = 6522

Murdered women = 305  

Murdered children = 446

The Arab League is talking about extending its disastrous “monitoring mission” for another month. 

As suggested a month ago, the sane world should not, cannot and must not wait for the wet-rag Arabs of the no-good Arab League, impose safe haven inside Syria NOW!

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