For over 30 years, I could see thugs from the regime in Iran walking down high street kensington. Buy property, opening bank accounts, trading with the Brits. And for 30 years NOTHING, I mean nothing was done to undermine the regime in Tehran. The Brits after all were not going to bring down what they had put up!! Britain maintained full diplomatic relations with Iran. So did every European country. When American “administrations” pushed for aggressive, decisive actions against Iran – it was the Europeans (notably the Brits) that watered down every proposal and pushed for sanctions only. And they made sanctions a joke. The Brits made sanction busting a source of serious revenue. Go to Britain’s colonial outpost in the Persian Gulf (Dubai) and you’ll see how British banks and corporations have made a huge multi-billion dollar business transhipping sanctioned goods to Iran. They built a cat-cracker in Iran (so Iran could produce its own gasoline) then announce sanctions on gasoline exports to Iran. They put some banking restrictions on transfers to Iran, then offered their banks in Dubai, as third party entities to effect those transactions. You Brits and Europeans have made sanctions a joke. You f*cking hypocrites.
For over 30 years, you maintained direct high level diplomatic relations with Iran – while in effect shutting out the Americans. You sold power plants, chemical plants, cars, spare parts, …you name it to Iran. You kept the Islamic regime alive. Yet, the leadership in Iran has basically remained the same. Rafsanjani and Khamenei have been in power for over 30 years at the very highest level in the regime in Iran. Now suddenly you see the light and are announcing serious sanctions against Iran? You f*cking hypocrites.
It was over 30 years ago that you sold a nuclear power plant to Iran. You built it. You even asked Iran to invest a billion dollars into Eurodif – Europes Uraniam enrichment plant. Iran even has a directorship in the company. Yet, somehow, now its not kosher for Iran to be enriching Uranium? You f*cking hypocrites.
For over 100 years, you systematically undermined Iranian democracy. From the Reza Shah coup in 1920 to Operation Ajax and the Mohamad Reza Shah Coup in 1952, to the Mullah’s Coup in 1979 …you have turned on the people of Iran and their legitimate right for freedom and free speech, democracy. You have put up puppet dictatorships in Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan where you are stealing oil – Iranian oil! Throw sex parties for (President for life) Aliev in Azerbaijan. And you have the audacity to talk about democracy and pretend to promote democracy and human rights worldwide. You F*cking hypocrites.
You pushed Saddam hussein to invade Iran. Sell arms to both sides. Extend the Iran-Iraq war for 8 years. Make record profits in the process. Then you persuade the U.S. (with false intelligence) to invade Iraq. After leveraging trillions from the U.S. Treasury, and over 4000 American deaths and something like 120,000 Iraqi civilian deaths…you take over Iraq two largest oil fields – Majnoon and Ramalla! And now control the world’s second largest oil reserves. And now the Iraqi government wants American soldiers to leave Iraq – while you are maintaining a military presence!!! You f*cking hypocrites.
You joined the U.S. in invading Afghanistan. And now NATO troops oversea all of Afghanistan and turn a blind eye to record poppy growth there. All the opium (we’re talking over 200K MT) is basically stranshipped through Iran – openly, flagrantly. Iran now has 1.2 Million addicts. Shame on you. You won’t even enforce the anti-drug laws in Afghanistan you so aggressively follow in your own countries. You f*cking hypocrites.
For over 50 years, you never accounted properly for the oil you took from Iran. You never paid royalties on time or in full. You talk about the rule of law and honoring agreements. Yet, you were the biggest most flagrant contractual abusers in history. One years tax payments to the British government on profits paid by BP was more than the entire royalty payment stream to Iran over the 50 years you were supposed to pay the people of Iran. You decieved us. Cheated us. Abused us. You f*cking hypocrites.
For over 30 years, you’ve engineered the greatest reduction in Iranian territorial sovereignty. Even today, you are stealing Iranian oil from the Caspian Sea via Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. You’ve put up puppet dictators in those countries,and told the mullahs in Iran to look the other way. You’ve undermined Iranian soverignty. And you’re pumping up the MEK/MKO/PMOI in Iraq as an army ready to attack Iran. You’re funding Azari sepratist, Baluchi Sepratists,Kurdish Sepratist. And a getting ready to attack Iran and splinter Iran into 5 small nations – that you can divide and conquer. And you have the audacity to talk about the rule of law; and international law? You f*cking hypocrites.
For over 30 years you have promoted political Islam. Created the Taliban. Put the Mullahs in power in Iran. And now Europeans are the fiercest anti-muslims in the world. With people like Gert wilders (Dutch Fascist) coming to the U.S. to spout out anti-muslim hatred at tea party rallies. You return political asylum seekers to death row in Iran. You’ve precipitated self mutilation and Iranians putting themselves on fire in public squares in Europe out of fear of being returned to your puppet mullah’s murderous prisons. And then you have the audacity to talk about religious freedom, mutual respect and human rights. You f*cking hypocrites.
What changed? Why are you suddenly seeing the light? You F*cking hypocrites.