hey iranian! where are you?

hi to all. about 7 monthes ago i published an article containing my request for 2 french books. the first and the most important one: cafe creme and the second one: vocabulaire progressive. there were some come comments on that but of course none useful. i mean useless. some one referred me to some iranian in iran i mean a law prof and a blind woman. the prof did not cooperate properly and i could never find that woman despite all the investigations. some one sent some links which were not useful.

i have a question. on this website and other iranian spaces you all write and talk about helping or saving your compatriot. how do you say that when you are not helpful enough to help some one get a book? i am really angry and desparate while writing this article. disappointed and confused. really dont know what to write and how to write. i just know a point. i feel contempt at the class although the teachers encouraged me but for example the french writing is a totally different world.

sorry i cant write more but came here to share my emotions. my wish for every one is happyness, wealth and health. so, sorry if by this text after thanksgiving and near the new year i made you sad. do not care about me go to the clubs. i dont know just celebrate your life enjoy yourself and the others just when you are going to the university or read the book remember some one in esfahan looked for 2 books and still is looking for them. happy birthday. wish you the best of all specially releife from financial crisis. goodbye and goodluck.

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