A note on “collective interest” stuff.

Last week was a memorable week for me on this site. First  got booted out of site. Then a group of  my fellow bloggers sensing some injustice, launched a sustained, yet very dignified  online campaign demanding an explanation from the site owner. The site owner responded by re instating me. A little lesson in democracy some might say. 

Of course I am thankful to all who spoke on my behalf (so kindly I must say..) and to the site owner for allowing me back. But what really impressed me, regardless of the outcome, was the fact that a group of people with whom I was either on polar opposites politically (e.g. SamSam, AO, Simorgh), or had heated debates with (Souri Khanoom, MM) also joined ranks together with  their other fellow bloggers, in what they considered to be a common cause, setting aside our/their differences.  Here I observed a group of my compatriots (or not) who seem to respect the general values of honesty and integrity. Who oppose injustice no matter to whom it is being dished out to. I dare say that our nation collectively lacked these basic qualities, when Shah Pahlavi’s generals were being summarily executed, to the cheers of entire nation,  by the islamist regime immediately after the revolution. If our nation had questioned the legality of these  executions, If our “Marxist-Leninists” had demanded proper people’s tribunals instead of shariat Kangaroo courts for their sworn imperial enemies, their imprisoned comrades would  not had been mass executed  in 1989, and we would not be witnessing today the islamist revolutionaries themselves falling victims to the system of injustiuce created by themselves.

As to why I was booted out, it had nothing to do with user “baronavak” which seems to be getting the blame. Let this remain between myself, the site admin and the particular user who after a sustained campaign of personal attacks managed to finaly provoke me at 5am, after a sleepless night working on preparation of a final engineering report and before my early morning 10miles of run along the beautiful SC beach. Lessons learnt there too 🙂 

Again, Thank you my friends AO and Divaneh for blogging about this and all who supported me, and indeed all who attacked me & yourselves in your blogs, as they only underlined your just cause by their meaningless attacks. We all have our busy lives and families to deal with and limited time to spare. So your online activism is most appreciated.

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