Iran’s Dervishes Come Under Attack, Again

A number of dervishes from the Gonabadi Nematollahi order have been detained in Iran in recent days.

The arrests apparently began in the city of Kavar close to Shiraz where Sufis are reported to have come under attack from “plainclothes agents” and members of the Basij militia.  

Opposition websites have reported that those who assaulted the dervishes were armed and they used tear gas.

Davood Montazeri, a lawyer member of the Gonabadi dervishes told Radio Farda that the Kavar incident took place after a cleric in Fars province, who he identified as “Shahbazi,” called on citizens to demonstrate against dervishes.

Radio Farda reports that Sufi shops were set on fire and their houses were attacked by a group of hardliners chanting “Death to American dervishes.”

Sources close to the dervishes have told Radio Farda that scores of dervishes were detained, apparently by security forces. A number are .

“Majzooban121” which covers news related to the Gonabadi dervishes has posted severalpictures of the injured. <...

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