Iran reports on Islamophobia in West

Tehran – On the International Day of the Declaration of Islamic Human Rights and Human Dignity (August 3), the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s center for monitoring the human rights situation published a report on Islamophobia and the situation of Muslim minorities in the West.

According to Press TV, the report examines minority rights and affronts to Islamic sanctities in countries that claim to respect human rights. In light of the extensive violation of minorities’ human rights and the rise in Islamophobia in the West — especially among some politicians — what the report focuses on is just the tip of the iceberg.

The report is comprised of an introduction and eight sections.

Following are the key points of the report:

• Opposition to the construction of mosques and religious sites and also attacks on and acts of sacrilege against mosques and other Muslim religious sites. In this regard, the report has made mention of laws against the construction of mosques in Western countries, namely the United States, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, France, Austria, and Australia, and has referred to attacks and acts of sacrilege committed by some radical and racist Western groups against mosques and other Muslim religious sites as cases in point.

• The effect of Western countries’ immigration policies and anti-terrorist strategies on the situation of Muslim minoriti… >>>

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