Ameneh Bahrami , The Iranian lady that was seriously disfigured by a dirty criminal, who throw acid to her body, has pardoned him and stopped the Iranian court from doing the same to him.
I respect the greatness of this lady’s personality and I wish every success for her and I am even ready to contribute to a fund that should be established in her name. However, I would like register my view as an observer, that I do not forgive the criminal, who acted in this way.
This is the indication of the utmost barbarity in anyone who even thinks about such acts. I wish him all the bad things that life has to offer.
I think that a just government should try and condemn this criminal not according to the outdated laws of the ancient Arab nomads, but according to the modern criminological principles and make sure that he never can have a good day in his life.
The criminals who attack the Iranian women are enjoying the support of corrupt, outdated, unreasonable and inhuman laws of the Islamic Republic in Iran which are derived from the traditions observed by the ancient Arab nomads and preserved in the ridiculous collections called “resalah Ahkam “ or book of the rulings of the “sources of imitation”, In the Shiite Fiqh. According to this barbaric “justice system”, the criminal acts are considered as private acts and the punishment (Ghesas) is settled in the private relations. Under these circumstances, and due to the pressures of the society and putting the victim under tremendous psychological attacks, the criminals are set free as soon as the victim is forced to give pardon.
The Iranian women are already under many kinds of discriminations by the inhumane regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran and it is source of absolute shame that the criminals in Iran find legal loopholes for misusing and violating even the minimal rights that the religious Shiite Islamic government attaches to women.
As far the Shiite Islamic law in concerned the women are not human beings. There are many verses in Koran and more evidences in the religious narrations (Ahadith) about women being considered as part of the property. Unlike the fabrications faked by idiots such as Ali Shariati regarding the lofty rules of Islam, there are undeniable evidences in countless Islamic sources that even the most important women such the daughter the prophet and the imams were never respected by the Islamic society.
I pay my respects to the lofty humane behavior of the Iranian lady who forgives the barbaric criminal attacker but I would like to say again to her and the society that I Never FORGIVE THIS CRIMINAL and his allies.