TREASON IS A MATTER OF DATES: Constitutionalist Response to a Jomhurykhah Query

I was asked by my dear Jomhurykhah cyber friend Ari Siletz in his recent blog as to what was Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi’s position on the MEK/MKO Terror delisting development. Here is Our Response … ;0)








Constitutional Monarchists official position and that of the man we consider as our legitimate sovereign Reza Shah Dovom regarding the MKO is what it has always been:

The MKO are Jomhurykhahs who wish to reform the Republic they helped create 32 years ago but by means of violence. Where as you folks wish to Reform the same Republic ( which in your book and that of your like minds is still legitimate) but through Peaceful Means whilst being raped, tortured, imprisoned and killed in slow fire by the People You folks put to Power  (or morally and politically endorsed) 32 years ago.


In Short that the Predicament of your Former Jomhurykhah Allies is of no direct concern to us …


For Only Birds of a feather flock together :



REPUBLICAN OFFSPRING: Massoud Rajavi at Tehran University during Presidential Campaign(1980)

REPUBLICAN OFFSPRING: Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani in Savak Prison (1970’s)



All the more that We have our own naughty Offsprings to worry about :


Crown Prince Reza Slams ‘Shahollahis’


Or as the French Would Say : « A Chacun Sa Merde » …



Translation: It’s Up to You To Take Care of Your Own Troublesome Jomhurykhah Offsprings ! 















When Leaders Meet – Mohamad Reza Shah Dismisses Prime Minister Mohamed Mossadegh:


The Real Conversation between the Shah and Mossadegh when he was deposed in 1953 for Switching Loyalties





When Leaders Meet – Reza Shah Dovom Meets President Massoud Rajavi On Capitol Hill:


Real Conversation between the Persian Prince and the Persian Zealot Thug behind closed doors on Capitol Hill which the Juvenile Trita Parsi missed to note in his Book Treacherous Alliances simply because he was not present. I was … (just notice the Fat Guy Sitting in the clip ;0) … )





After an Unofficial Visit to Camp Ashraf, Crown Prince Reza Calls On UN to Stop Massacre of it’s unarmed MKO Residents:








Oh and On a Last Note by the Way … 


We Constitutionalists Have Been Accountable for Our Shortcomings …



ROYAL ACCOUNTABILITY: Crown Prince Reza Praises Mossadegh’s Patriotism (ANDISHEH TV)

ROYAL ACCOUNTABILITY: Crown Prince Reza on Torture During His Father’s Rule

Have YOU ? …

pictory:(FOR REFERENDUM BASHERS) Women Punched in Face by Revolutionaries

HISTORY OF VIOLENCE: Man Chased by Anti Shah Protestors During Shah’s US Visit (1977)

An unemployed court jester is nobody’s fool.” – DK aka Danny Kaye ;0)




Future Grand Chambellan of the Restored Pahlavi Court


Diary in Exile 18th of July, 2011

Paris, France 


Recommended Readings:

by Darius KADIVAR


RESPONDING TO REZA’s CALL: An Iranian Solidarnosc in the Making by Darius KADIVAR

Related Pictory:

pictory: Bakhtiar Denounces Bazargan’s Provisionary Government in exile (1979)

RESTORATION: Shapour Bakhtiar advocates Restoring the Monarchy

TORN APART: How Iran’s Revolution Divided Sisters Mahnaz (Afkhami) and Farah

Related Blogs:

PRIMARY COLORS: Reza Pahlavi and Trita Parsi Take a Stroll Down The Political Lane ;0)

YES, PRIME MINISTER: A Step By Step Guide To Mossadegh’s Premiership and the Coup of ’53 …

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Ebrahim Golestan: “The Shah’s Coronation Made Me Wanna Vomit” (BBC)

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