I am from Hama

Hama, the traditional center of opposition to the brutal hereditary rule of Syrian Battist party is undergoing another Assad special.

While the armed forces of the current “president” Bashar Al-Assad , the city has undergone similar Assad treatment on previous occasion.

The 1982 massacre by Hafez Al-Assad, the father of Bashar, is estimated to ranges between 20,000 to 40,000 murdered Syrian men, women and children.

According to numerous credible eyewitness accounts backed by intelligence reports and statements by conscientious Syrian solders who have defected to the people’s side, the forces of Islamists ruling over Iran are participants in the massacre.

At this very moment the Syrian Battist and their Islamist comrades from Iran are at it again, it is incumbent upon the civilized world to stop the massacre.

In solidarity with the Syrian people and particularly the beleaguered residents of Hama, all the freedom loving, human rights caring people of the world should consider becoming a resident of Hama too.

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