Is changing direction?


 It is no secret that the bulk of Iranian visual media is run by either Islamic Regime or the Saltant-Talbs.   The internet media, where relatively less capital is involvled, (and reading an comprehension is more required than viewing and listning) has been an exception with  sites such as gooya, balatarin … and

However a disturbing trend that has been developing over recent months, is the penetration of both reactionary forces in intenet media.  In the case of, I see more and more the influence of Salatan-Talab forces.   This started to show more particularly after the tragic death of Ali-Reza Pahlavi.   In the same time period I monitored both Balatarin and Gooya as well as   While balatarin and gooya, paid some coverage to this issue as a news item,  devoted obsessive amount of coverage, both as blogs that made it to front page as well as articles.  I think in the eyes of most Iranian (particularly those not in favor of Pahlavis), this was something toremain quiet about where as hit some controversial posts not very sympathic to the event to excuse even more coverage for the ultimate beneficiary :  Reza Pahlavi.

Of course, being part of revolution generation, I suspect anything and everything.   So I dismissed my concern as paranoia.   However, I found it alarming when my blog regarding 29th of Esfand the day of oil nationalization, which I said in the post is the brightest day of our history, message of JM as well as Bani-Sadr in the regard, where quickly removed.   I had a discussion with Jahnshah off line and his take was I had done cut and pasting!  Even though, I had put my view on why this was so important, and along the way cut and pasted JM’s article from inside Iran  which to me still had my own views sprinkled in there.    So like a good movie lover of law related films, I looked for exceptions.   I had to look no furhter than 2 posts by what I consider regular spammer (I know for some he may be the source of all knowledge, except they propably have not learned to search the web), Mr.Kadivar.

So since I could not get a satisfactory answer from Jahnshah, even after I gave him the worst insult I could offer him,  by calling his treatment of my post vs Kadivar as –Double Standard– and he basically ignored my remark:

I like to refer the readers to the post:

where basically Mr.Kadviar has copy pasted even the speech, yet somehow this has escaped the editorial delete bottom of Jahhanshah.

 of course this appears right above 2posts below  by the same poster:…

If you can find any “added value” or personal ehnacment by Kadviar which makes the original link any more  informative please let me know.   In the meantime, many blogs never make it to the front page.   How is that decision really made?   Do we have a right to know?


 Everything said and done, we Iranians have been victims of our own created rulers who have in turn created ARBITRARY rules, through out our history.   That’s how dictators are born.  In the age of information, to use internet  as hype and media manupulation tool, to form illusory concenus, popularity ….. is no different than to help what we all –think– we dread.   I hope can remain a free/unbiased outlet,  otherwise can skip the middle man and  visit



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