Greens for airtight sanctions

When it was fist brought up in a formal political setting in Europe by Mohsen Makhmalbaf, the acclaimed movie director and at the time the overseas spokesman for the prince of Islamist Green movement, he was gradually disowned and eventually became  target of attacks by his former Islamist Green comrades.

The subject is not new or earth shattering. It is about what needs to be done to put a stop to the Iranian men, woman and children raping, maiming and murdering regime of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic. A regime which by its insistence on acquiring weaponized nuke to effectuate its promise of “managing the world” is imposing another war on Iranians and the vital Middle East region.

The subject is oil, IRR’s life blood. That which pays for its official rapists to rape Iranian men, woman and children, that which pays for its assassins on the rooftops to pick off peaceful demonstrators with their high powered sniper rifles, that which pays for every crime and illegal activities including nuke that the regime commits in Iran and abroad.

Stop the oil and see the regime crumble. This fact is well known, particularly to the insiders of the regime who for one reason or another have chosen to side with sanity and salvation of Iran and Iranians.

The latest example of this is Mr. AbolFazl Islami who until his recent defection was a high level IRR diplomat. He like other recently defected IRR diplomats is touring the halls of power asking for one thing which matters most. That is if war is to be avoided, regime change by Iranians for Iranians is to be had, the sanctioning of IRR’s blood oil and gas is a must.


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