Hate Israel fest 2010

As an annual occasion for expressing solidarity with the Palestinians and condemning Israelis, in 1979 Khomeini introduced “Qods Day” to be held on the last Friday of the Muslim’s month of fasting.

Ever since then the occasion has been choreographed IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic propaganda show aimed at proving Iranians’ total acquiescence with its ruinous Palestine-centric policies.

Needless to say that is not the case, especially since the Palestinian volunteers joined the invading Iraqi army to fight against Iranians and to this day many Palestinians hold Saddam Hussein as their hero.  

Tomorrow during “Qods Day” Loutish typically venomous Islamist slogans of death to a long list of countries will be chanted. Speeches dedicating Iran’s support to the Palestinian cause will be delivered. Of course in IRR language the generosity and support only covers the Gaza based Hams Terrorist cutthroats and its Lebanon based Hezbollah counterpart. 

But last year for a brief period before they were brutally suppressed after the very short-lived Tehran-Spring, Iranians shouted out their true sentiments on top of their lungs.  

Here is what they said in many cities and towns across Iran during the last “Qods Day” show, “neither Gaza, nor Lebanon, my life for Iran”.


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