Watch Out for “Terror Babies”!!!

So, last night was one of those infrequent times that I watched Anderson Cooper’s show on CNN.  His first item of story was the “terror baby” hoopla that is being spread by none other than Texas lunatic congressman and Gomer Pyle look alike (and sound-alike) Louie Gohmert (even his last name sound like “Gomer”).  Anyway, it’s this congressman’s theory that there are mothers in the Middle East who are getting pregnant, and are coming to the U.S. to have their babies just so that they can go back to the Middle East, raise them as “jihadists” and send them back to the U.S. to “destroy our way of life.”  Can someone come up with a more ridiculous conspiracy theory?

Mr. Gohmert also claims that he was a former judge, which means that he should be used to the idea of giving people an opportunity to speak and then respond to them.  Instead, throughout the interview, he yells, screams and tries to shut down Anderson Cooper.   

Anyway, here’s the link to the page with the video on it.  I couldn’t embed it, but perhaps the administrators can be kind enough to do it. 

PS-the key word in Mr. Gohmert’s vocabulary is “gaping hole”!

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