Iranian louts

From its inception thirty one years ago to this day a distinct feature of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic has been its loutish posture in all imaginable spheres.

From the way Islamist Rapists interact with Iranians on the daily basis to the way their “diplomats” conduct diplomacy there is always a strong element of innate Islamist vulgarity present.

Those who follow events in occupied Iran know about the decidedly unpresidential verbiage the show president of IRR uses all the time. The latest examples have come in rapid succession.

It has gotten so bad that an “elected member” of Islamist Congress who is certainly no stranger to the Islamist discourse as are his colleagues and particularly their Speaker, has publically complained about it.

For a nation known for civility, rich literature and good mannerism, having to deal with the Islamist Rapists on daily basis and seeing the world judging them through the prism of loutish Islamists is adding insult to injury.

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