American Olympic Champion Jordan Burroughs Sympathizes With Iran Quake Victims

In a Persian message on his Instagram, American world and Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling Jordan Burroughs extended condolences to the families of the victims of the deadly earthquake in Iran.

Burroughs went on to say that he has good memories from Kermanshah during World Cup 2017. He also expressed appreciation for the privilege to have visited the city and the opportunity to meet such hospitable people.

“I and my family members were sad to hear the news of the quake and I hope the beautiful province of Kermanshah regains its beauty soon.”

He added, “I share your sorrows. I want you to know that we are all thinking about you and sympathize with you because of the earthquake.”

مردم كرمانشاه، تسليت به شما ميگويم و به تمام مردم ايران، من شريك غم شماها هستم. مىخوام بدانيد كه ما همه به فكر شما هستيم و همدرد شما هستيم كه دچار زلزله شديد. كرمانشاه شهر پر خاطره ای براى من بود در زمان جام جهانى ٢٠١٧. من خيلى خوشحال بودم كه قسمت شد و من به اين شهر رفتم، با مردمان خونگرم و كشتى دوست اشنا شدم.من و خانواده ام خيلى ناراحت شديم وقتى شنيديم در باره اين حادثه.براى شما ها دعا ميكنيم كه زودتر موقعيت بهتر بشه و دوباره كرمانشاه زيبا را بسازيد. اميدوارم كه در اينده به ايران سفر كنم. بهترين ارزو برايتان داريم، من و خانواده ام جوردن باروز ??#prayforkermanshah

A post shared by Jordan Burroughs (@alliseeisgold) on

The 29 year-old, New Jersey born Burroughs is immensely popular in Iran and the feeling most definitely mutual.

Earlier this year, in an Instagram post in Persian, the well-known American wrestler thanked Iranian people for the love they showed for him during the World Cup in Iran, saying he would love to visit the country again.

The London 2012 Olympic champion who took part in the 2017 Freestyle Wrestling World Cup in western province of Kermanshah expressed appreciation for the love and affection Iranian people, particularly the spectators who enthusiastically cheered him on during his matches.

2017 Freestyle World Cup in Kermanshah, Iran – USA wrestler Jordan Burroughs welcomed by fans (Photo credit @unitedworldwrestling in Instagram)

On his trip back to the US, he posted a photo on his Instagram, picturing him being greeted and received warmly by his Iranian fans, the caption of which reads, “I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Iranian people who showed great love and affection for me and my team-mates in Tehran [Iran’s capital] and Kermanshah and extend my warmest congratulation to the Iranian freestyle wrestling team [on their championship] in the current and past editions [of the tournament].”

There are circulating reports that Burroughs is in negotiations to wrestle for Iranian club Bimeh Razi at the upcoming World Wrestling Clubs Cup on Dec. 7-8.

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