The jig is up

Although not perfect or airtight, the U.S. Congress has passed H.R.2194, The Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010 and it is on its way for the President to sign it into law.

If implemented as intended, this could be good news for those who wish to see the weakening of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic which would make it more vulnerable to the fed up Iranians who want to get rid of it lock, stock and barrel.

Along with the communication filtering ban, the provision ordering the U.S. Government to publicly list the names of  those Islamists Rapists directly involved in abusing Iranian men, women and children is one of the best part of the soon to be law.

The cost of abusing Iran and Iranian is getting higher and higher for the Islamist Rapists and their enablers. Lets hope they see the light and realize the jig is up.

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