Pro – IRI rallies

In the name of God , most gracious , most merciful

I wish to show some people on this website some pro – IRI rallies ranging from ahmadi victory celebrations to 22 bahman.

Caution : I will not tolerate insults , defemation or anti-islamic remarks , you will be reported if this happens.

I do not post these videos out of pro-ahmadi views (I respect the man dearly though), I still believe some sort of fraud was commited by some people within the ahmadi camp , but one must be fair in all aspects of judgement if he ever wishes to gain power and knowledge. 

Ahmadi-nejad election victory celebrations : 

Ashora , after desecration of Imams photo and qor’an burning (very important) :

22 bahman , millions upon millions of people :……


“they plot and plan ,  God too plans ; but God is the best of planners” – Qor’an 


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