ROYAL WHISKERS: Nasseredin Shah Get’s His Moustache trimmed (19th century)

Qajar King Nasseredin Shah get’s his whiskers trimmed by a European Barber as Persian Court Servants Assist him. (circa 19th century) 

Nasseredin Shah in the Classic 1970’s tv series Sultaneh Sahebgharan (made during Pahlavi Era):

Les Frères Jacques sing shah,shah,persan (1960’s):

Sir Godfrey – Yves Montand :

Les Frères Jacques  Reprise With French Choral:


Les Frères Jacques : la queue du chat ( Cat in French):

Montand: Le Chat de La Voisine:

Related Blogs:

pictory: Shah Gets A Haircut in San Francisco 1950’s

ROYAL CURTSY: Nasseredin Shah Qajar Meets Queen Victoria (July 15th 1850) 


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