HISTORY FORUM: Ancient Inventions with Terry Jones: Sex and Love (5 Parts)

In this documentary, Terry explores the ancient use of make-up, lipsticks, along with the invention of the bikini right through to the introduction of the beauty parlor. The ancient world was every bit as inventive as our own.

Also Read: by Darius KADIVAR


Ancient Inventions with Terry Jones: Sex and Love (5 Parts)

Part I:

Part II:

Part III:

Part IV:

Part V:



Ancient Inventions: Sex and Love is one of Terry Jones’ documentary collections.

In this documentary, Terry explores the ancient use of make-up, lipsticks, along with the invention of the bikini right through to the introduction of the beauty parlor. Terry Jones begin this episode by looking through lipsticks in a beauty salon while explaining how the Egyptians invented many of the beauty products that we have used today such as perfume, sunblock, foundation, blusher, and lipstick.

Terry talks about being sexuality and sexual attraction that most of us think frequently. He reminds us that not everything we think of as modern is as such. In this documentation, an ancient book called “The Karma Sutra” was shown which contained pictures of different sexual positions but these images were also be found in the walls of brothels in Rome. Egyptian make-up, early birth control, and pregnancy tests were also presented. There are plenty of laughs in Terry Jones’ eyebrow-raising examination of not only the obvious run-ups to the act of love but unexpected innovations that came about as a result of sex. He said that “The first clock was invented not to tell time but to regulate the sex life of the emperor of China.”

This series present a highly original view of some of the ancient world’s most remarkable inventions. Terry Jones’ journey revealed the unexpected. It tells us that the ancient world was every bit as inventive as our own.

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