Conceptual portrait of Prince Reza Pahlavi

Conceptual portrait of Iranian House-hold names. The challenge is to use found objects that can easily be found around my house. I’ve started with Reza Pahlavi but hopefully I will be doing Khamenei, Rafsanjani etc. I don’t expect people warming up to it, but who cares it is my Art and I enjoy doing it!

Doing a Tate modern type explanation of this work ( don’t read if you rather keep your own reading of the work)! –

The book “Shah of Shah” represents the legacy of his father which he carries, yet, he is leaning towards Republican ideas and leaving machiavellian on the side but his father’s legacy still casts a small shadow on the book The Prince.

There are many debates about him and there is a lot of effort to seperate him from his father’s percieved mistakes. What matters to me as a non-monachist ( which I am on the basis of non-elitist principles where we should try to avoid institutionalizing class even though inevitably it is inherent in human or even non human socities) is that he represents a section of the society and if we are going to have any meaningful opposition then we need an alliance of secularist non-violent groups working together. As an individual he appears as a likable fellow Iranian, a dedicated family man, a good orator and intelligent. He has not been given a platform to test his leadership but I don’t think that matters because the way I see it, he comes across as a concerned modern thinking citizen rather than a prince and if we do not get the future pillars of our democracy right then it does not matter who does what and who has power, it could still fail, so that is what we have to get right! These days I am spending less time in because I am still doing work for our Human rights group: which is very active on Facebook, and also along the day job I’m busy making Art, and painting in my garage/studio. I hope that we can also make Iranian Art more democratic and make Art more about Art than as a tool to provide you with status. If you think anyone can do this the answer is, yes you are absolutely right and if you enjoy Art go and do it. People a lot of times do Art without even realizing that it is Art and western conceptual Art is very broad. Outside this I’m working on a pop Art series as well as a new school Art which is a derivative of Da Da. Anyway I hope you enjoy it and to those of you I have’nt said Happy New year, well Happy New year.

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