Trita Parsi on Andisheh TV

NIAC’s Trita Parsi on Andisheh TV (parts 1-9):

A few weeks before, Hassan Dai had an interview with Andisheh TV’s F. Forouzandeh. In this posted interview response with Andisheh TV, Trita Parsi lays everything on the table and the name of the game is “anything goes”. The summary of each segment is included. I have not found Hassan Dai’s interview posted anywhere. If you know where it is, please post it as a comparison. Thanks.

PS, the map shows the Iranian-American distribution in the USA based of the 2000 census

Relative population distribution of Iranian Americans living in the United States by percentage of state population. The map is of my making. The numbers are however as reported by the United States Census Bureau ( in the 108th Congressional District as of July 2003. Legend:

red: > 0.4% of the state population

orange: 0.2%-0.4% of the state population

orangish yellow: 0.1%-0.2% of the state population

yellow: 0.06%-0.1% of the state population

cream: less than 0.06% but a still notable population

gray: none

I definitely know some states that have more population than indicated in the map (cf. none). Please participate in the census as Iranian-American or Iranians in question #9.


Part I: Who is Triata and NIAC


Part 2: continue with I and relationship with Dai and the neo-cons


Part 3: a Channel with Iran/Switzerland/USA and

Bob Ney/trita/MKO axis, Tim Goldman(?)


Part 4: Trita and the current situation (military dictatorship). What does Trita think about IRI/VF/regime change/democracy?

What does NIAC or Trita does on Iran/USA relations?


Part 5: From where is my vote to recent developments.

Relationship with Djavad Zarif, human rights vs. nuclear issues.

Realtionship with Namazi, Khalij Fars, Oil companies, Persepolis tablets.

NIAC mailing list 30,000, membership: 2,000


Part 6: relationship with H. Clinton’s advisor (John Liembert).

People of Iran want democracy, not IRI: The process of democracy and what to do with congress.

Relationship with A. Nader (Rand Corp.) on third option article.


Part 7: Referendum, coupe and what NIAC does in congress, Amnesty International and democracy.

Steps towards democracy vs. the final goal.


Part 8: Influence over congress vs. influence over Iran.

Differences between NIAC and other Iranian-related organizations.


Part 9: NIAC and the Iranian community, STEP act, and others.

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