Three Months After Mofidi’s Imprisonment: Tales of Rough Treatment in Prison

Daughters of prominent Iranian journalist and Secretariat of the banned Iranian Journalists Association, Badressadat Mofidi, have published a letter after a recent visit with their mother in prison. They have described immense psychological and physical pressure, violent and continuous interrogations, solitary confinement, deprivation of phone calls to family, repeated change of prison cells, and an ambiguous legal case against their mother.

Badressadat Mofidi has reported that her interrogations are not limited to her professional activities, but her activities for the past 30 years have been questioned. International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran demands that Iran’s judicial authorities end the illegal and inhumane process of this journalist’s treatment and to release her on bail as soon as possible. The fact that three months after her imprisonment no charges have been announced against her and that her personal life over the past years is subject of her interrogations is illegal according to Citizen’s Rights Law. A continuation of this illegal process will only lead to further loss of credibility for Iran’s Judiciary.

Considering Badressadat Mofidi’s heart condition and a continuation of what she has described as “violent interrogations,” International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran holds Iran’s Ministry of Information and Judiciary responsible for any negative consequences for Ms. Mofidi’s health. A continuation of this illegal … >>>

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