Generally speaking, prior to the current invasion of mind snatchers, the deniers of reason and decency in our motherland, most of us had little, if not zero, interest in Zoroastrianism, in our heritage, in our national identity and essence of being Persian. Now, everywhere you look there’s talk of Zartusht and national identity. Small groups of people gather at the decaying Pasargod ruins to honor the greatest leader our country has ever seen perhaps to admit that we should have all been a little more appreciative of our rich and ancient past and less embracing of those who murdered our ancestors and burned what had defined us.
Too bad most of us are still way too embedded in our current “belief” system as the divine savior of the Iranian people…as the best thing that has ever happened to us to truly embrace this shift; to make something of it so that when we finally break away from the iron grip of the organized chaos, we can have a glimmer of hope that positive change is sustainable.
Too bad most of us did not attempt to learn more about our past and what was done to us, to our forefathers and ancestors to reject the notion that we were nothing but savages before Islam; to reject Islam as our guiding light, and to understand that it was not a guiding light but a torch that burned our house.
Will we ever accept a truly secular system? A truly democratic system? We all know how our love of our opressors finally paved the way for us to revert back to what has been our system for a long time: monarchy with the mosque dictating social behavior and legislating “morality”. Only this time, our king is a cleric!