Mysticism, Love Poems, Reality, and Deliverance ….. by Passing Through

(i) Product Description:

A wonderful collection of Mystical poems. A total of forty nine (49) poems included. The poet was born in Iran, and raised with the rich culture of great Persian Poets such as Rumi, Hafez, Sa’adi, and others. Upon arriving in the U.S., he was exposed to ‘Leaves Of Grass’, the great work of American Poet Walt Whitman. This is an absolutely inspirational collection drawing from the great influences of both the east and the west. We sincerely hope that it would be a great inspiration and blessing to you. Please share it with others. Thank you – Please Note: This is the Final Edition of this book – There will be no further revisions.

(ii) About the Author:

Passing Through is the pen name for an Iranian-born poet presently living in the U.S. He has lived in the U.S. since 1979, and presently resides in the State of Florida. This book was inspired by the Great Classical Persian Poets such as Rumi (Mowlana), Sa’adi, Hafez, and others. Additionally, the Great American Poet Walt Whitman had a huge influence on Passing Through in his development of the love of English language, and his subsequent writing of poetry in English. Poetry is a wonderful instrument that transcends all barriers such as nationality, race, ethnicity, and others. We hope that this beautiful collection would be both a blessing and a source of inspiration to you. Please share this book with others, and let others know about us. Thank you.


Please Note:

The book comes in four (4) different covers, with four (4) different ISBN’s – The covers are shown in the above picture – They are all available on


(iii) Please click on the links below to take you directly to the book pages on




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