For the love of Palestinians

The Palestine-centric policy of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic has not been a monumental disaster just for Iranians and Iran’s national interests.  It has been likewise to the very Palestinians the Islamist Rapists/Anti-Semites and their clueless lefty lapdogs claim their IRR is protecting.

While the Islamist Rapists were cracking heads, maiming and murdering Iranian men, women and children on the streets, raping those they took to their rape and torture centers, the triumvirates were busy at downplaying the Islamists’ barbarity trying to draw parallel with the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis.

Well lovelies, hear this from the popularly elected Palestinian President:

“–Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas lashed out at Iran on Friday, blaming Tehran for being behind the latest failure to reconcile his secular Fatah movement with its Islamist rival Hamas.

“Iran doesn’t want Hamas to sign the Cairo reconciliation document,” Abbas said during a meeting in the Tunisian capital.

Abbas said that while Hamas’ leaders had initially indicated their approval of the document, they later began putting forth excuses to refuse to sign.

The Fatah leader said his goal was to “pull our people out from Iranian tutelage”.

As long as the Islamist Rapist Republic is not overthrown lock, stock and barrel no one, particularly the Palestinians, will see peace in the region. Even if it is for the love of Palestinians, airtight sanctions on IRR is a must!

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