Life has always had its ups and downs. Just when you think that you are getting ahead… POW! Life decides to give you a good punch that takes the air right out of you. For some, the recovery is immediate. Others may take a little longer depending on the severity of the punch.
Of course, you realize that I am referring to things as divorce, illness, death, and other tragic events in life. Like they say when it “rains it pours.” However, we don’t have to let it take us down for long. I truly believe that attitude plays a major part in how quickly we can recover. Having a supportive family, friends and colleagues also helps greatly.
I can not begin to express how happy, I am to just simply be alive. In the next couple of days or maybe weeks, I will have several challenges to face. I intend to face them straight on. I will not forget to take time to rest and reflect. My excellent sense of humor will come in very handy too.
I do wish that I had slowed down sooner without having to endure such pain. Oh well! You live and learn. Some how, I will need to balance my life so that this does not occur again. The last time it happened was five years ago, so I must be given credit for doing so well thus far.
I promise to be true to myself… take better care of myself… to be the very best that I can be.