Magical “Shahnameh” inspired animation produced for Kanoon. Before there was an Iranian New Wave, there was Kanoon. Founded in 1965 with the blessing of then-Queen “Farah Diba”, the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults (mostly referred to as Kanoon) produced books, audiotapes, and films, both animated and live action, for Iranian children all over the country.
Kanoon would become a sort of incubator for some of the country’s most celebrated artists including “Ebrahim Forouzesh”, “Noureddin Zarrinkelk”, and many of the protagonists of Iranian cinema, “Sohrab Shahid-Sales”, “Abbas Kiarostami”, and “Amir Naderi” among them.
The following is a magical animation inspired by the 10th-century Persian epic “Shahnameh” (Book of Kings), designed and directed by the painter “Ali Akbar Sadeghi”, who is best known for pioneering a style that mixed traditional Persian Coffeehouse painting and Surrealism. Malek-ol Khorshid (King of the Sun, 1975) was among the elder Sadeghi’s most iconic projects during his time at Kanoon.
King of the Sun – [1975] .
Magical “Shahnameh” inspired animation