Iran and Latin America: The media states its case

The US continues to see the world as its
own business. It gives itself and its allies, most notably Israel, the
right to geopolitical maneuverability. Iran, on the other hand, is
censured, derided and punished for even its own internal policies,
within its own borders. Thus, an Iranian move into Latin America is
naturally viewed as unwarranted, uncalled for and most definitely
dangerous as far as the US is concerned.

But Iran is not invading
America’s geopolitical space per se. It is neither financing a
terrorist group, nor is it involved in the ongoing narcotics war. More,
there is no historic connection between an interventionist Iran and the
bloody past of Latin America, including its former dictators and brutal
juntas. In fact, Iran’s “cozying up” to Latin American only began in
2005. Since then, Iran has opened embassies in several Latin American
countries and launched important joint projects that provided funds and
work opportunities for thousands of ordinary people. There is no
Iranian equivalent to the School of the Americas.


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