Petition against deadly violence against Iranians


The Islamic Republic of Iran under the Ahmadinejad administration and at the behest of Ayatollah Ali Khamenie is increasingly clinging to power through the use of repression and military force against all civil and constitutional laws of Iran. The Iranian regime has engaged in all imaginable uncivil behavior and actions including outright killings, mass arrests, torture, and rape of Iranian citizens who have participated in peaceful civil demonstrations or in grieving for deaths of their loved ones.

Major media have reported that on Saturday and Sunday Iranian government security forces opened fire into crowds of protestors who gathered for commemoration of Tāuso’ā and Āshurā, killing at least 10 people, wounding 100s, and arresting over 1000 at this time. The use of violence against peaceful civilians exercising their human rights is against any international rule of conduct and against the Islamic Republics’ own civil and constitutional laws. This bloody, treacherous, inhumane, and unjust conduct of the Islamic Regime against demonstrators has been the bloodiest and the largest since the June 20th fraudulent presidential election. These violent episodes are rather sad indications of desperate attempts for survival by the government, tragic reminders of the pre-1979 indiscriminate shootings of demonstrators by the nearly falling Shah’s regime and, if history is any consolation, these undoubtedly would fail as well. We, the undersigned:

· Unequivocally and vociferously condemn the use of violence, killings, and mass arrests of Iranians.

· Support the inalienable rights of Iranians and demand an immediate stop to the use of violence as well as arbitrary arrests.

· Wish to bring this urgent situation to the attention of the international community, civil rights, religious, and civic organizations around the world.

· Extend our deepest condolences and sympathies to all Iranians, especially families that have lost loved ones, and mourn their loss.

Please go to the following site and sign the petition:

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