A letter of a student

If you see the world, you can imagine what is going on in the world? I bring here some example, may be it makes the matter clearer. For example in Iran, the Shah was a mild dictator, he pushed all other people who think differently away from the government; and only the people who said yes and yes to him have the good positions.   The nationalists, the moderate Moslems, the religious people, the leftist and… were pushed aside, and only the people who showed that they love the Shah extraordinary could have a good positions. The whole world was satisfied with the Shah. He travelled everywhere, had a nice life. His wife was like a movie star. Both of them were beloved, at least the people showed so. As Mr. Ardeshir Zahedi told one time, the people around him did not give right information to him, and all mistake and problems were written in the Shah’s account.  His son , Reza has now a lot of contacts with normal people, he will understand the people, and the Iranians much better than his father.   Iran has not enough universities and technical school and colleges.

Most Iranian after the high school diploma could not continue their study in Iran, there was a lot of academic professors in Iran, who were willing and wanted to open private colleges, but the regime of Shah ignored them and did not help them to educate the Iranian students in Iran.  The Iranian students, the poor class and middle class ones had a lot of difficulties, and the system did not support them. So they were angry about the regime of Shah.  And they were attracted to the oppositions.  Khomeini started to give a lot of false hope to the people and the people believed it, as he was a clergy man. 

The system in the world makes from a simple man, who did not have the basic knowledge about the government a huge statesman personality.   The American and the world magazines print his pictures on the first page and wrote below his name and pictures, the man who shake the Thorne of Iran. Through a massive advertisement everybody believes that he is a philosopher and a professor in the clothes of a clergy man.  Or maybe he is much more than a professor.  I write for you some of his utterance, which is very poor and wrong. They were very poor in Persian language and he made a lot of big mistake, he did not have the basic knowledge in the Persian language and grammar, he did not have a basic knowledge in mathematics, history, geography, sociology, general knowledge.

He was a good man, but not a man for such a power that the whole country be under his command.  It is clear that he could make a lot of mistakes, what the world wanted.  Only by the huge massive advertisement the world made him a big personality.  The media which are controlled by business people have a plan, to make him huge and the shah small.  Just in the opposite way, the media made shah as a very bad personality, so that the most or almost whole Iranians thought the whole problem is only the shah, and if he resigned and goes; Iran will be right a paradise.

  The media make the Shah like a Satan and they advertise Khomeini as an angel of God? In airplane , a man asked him, what is your feeling going back to Iran after so many years, returning after such a big time should be very excited for you after fifteen years being in exile , the reporter thought? Khomeini told him, nothing? He has no feeling to back to Tehran after fifteen years of exile.   The BBC, Die Deutsche Welle, the voice of America and other radios and televisions make Khomeini as a Christ.  Even some newspapers compared him with the Jesus and other prophets.  He said o Mr. four stars general, we want to make you a big boss, your own boss and not a servant of Americans? And you general with four stars; you will be your own master and not a servant.  He said he said he will help the poor, bus, electric, water and… will be free of cost. Every Iranian will get his portion of the country wealth; Iranians will get their right for the oil.

Everybody is free to do whatever he/she wants as long as he/she does not take the weapons and fights?   We will bring welfare for you for this world and we will give you also spiritual welfare for the other world, you will be satisfied with us.  He promised so much, and the people believe all he was saying. Later I heard he said lies to get the power, and in Islam to lie as long as it is for the religion of Islam and brings benefits for Islam; it is fine and it is not a sine.

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