It seems that we have lost Mr. Kadivar as a Contributor

You knew very well that these people just do not get along but you featured a blog that criticized Mr. Kadivar and Fred and this naturally lead to personal attacks by all sides.  This was not a first time you allowed a featured blog regarding Mr. Kadivar. What were you thinking?

I saw that entery by Mr. Kadivar and it was not pleasant but what the hell do you expect to happen to a public person? 

The blog got so toxic that you had to shut it down and at the end it had nothing to do with Mr. Kadivar either.

Sorry Mr. JJ. I really like you and respect what you have done for the Iranian American community with this site. However,  you should have known better. You know exactly what I am talking about!

Please do not feature this blog. Thank you.   




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