WASHINGTON, Oct 30 (Reuters) – U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
signalled on Friday that the United States will allow talks with Iran
over its nuclear programme to play out before considering fresh
sanctions against Tehran.
Iran on Thursday proposed changes to
a U.N.-drafted nuclear fuel deal, making demands that seemed to
challenge the basis of the agreement with the United States, France and
Asked during a CNN interview whether it was time to
stop talking with Iran and move toward sanctions, Clinton said: “We are
working with the IAEA (the U.N. International Atomic Energy Agency),
with France, Russia … who are all united and showing resolve in
responding to the Iranian response and seeking clarification. So I’m
going to let this process play out.”
Clinton did not say under what conditions the United States would consider fresh sanctions against Iran.
The Iranian pro-government daily Javan said on Thursday that Iran
wanted shipments of low-enriched uranium — for conversion abroad into
fuel for a Tehran research reactor — to take place in stages, not in a
single consignment. It also wanted simultaneous imports of
higher-enriched fuel from other countries for the same plant.