Reformer in Iran Publishes Account of a Prison Rape

While the young man was not identified, his charges were graphic and emotional, and documented official indifference — even callousness — toward his account.

“I was in prison, I was blindfolded and my hands were tied,” the young man told Mr. Karroubi. “I was beaten nearly to death, and worse than all of that, they did something to me which even unbelievers and idol worshipers would denounce.”

The young man’s account challenges the notion that the state is run by a “just leader.” He said that one day, when Mr. Karroubi was filming their discussion, three government men came to Mr. Karroubi’s office to question him. The young man agreed to go with them to visit a doctor.

On the way, he said, “I asked them why they had done this, why they had treated us like this, what had we done?”

The response was, “When the supreme leader confirmed the election result, everyone should have recognized it.”


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