Malaysia, a relatively secular nation for the past 25 years is turning more and more into a backward Islamic nation. Following account of a 32 year old woman sentenced to public whipping for drinking beer during Ramezan in a hotel lobby is but just a small example:
In Malaysia, Islamic laws are only applied to Muslims and Muslim visitors.But, what do you think happens to a lets say young Malay woman who wants to convert from Islam to maybe Christianity? Yes, you guessed right. She won’t see her next birthday.
How is this happening? Well, thanks to IRI and Billions of dollars which are sent out to Malaysia each year by the Mullahs, hard core Islamic groups are being funded handsomely to carry out “backwardization” of Malaysia.
IRI elements travel to and stay in Malaysia as students. Malaysia now has 70,000+ Iranian students. Even if 5% of these students were IRI elements for distabilization and “backwardization” of Malaysia, and these 3,500 IRI animals had access to billions of $ what do you think will happen to Malaysia? It will soon become another Islamic Shit Hole like IRI.