The Golha (Flowers of Persian Song and Music)
Thanks to people such as Jean Lewisohn of the music department at SOAS, University of London, more than 95% of Golha program has been collected and preserved. The Golhā comprises 886 hours of programs broadcast over a period of 23 years (from 1956 through 1979).
Be-cheh kār āyadat ze gul tabaqī?
Az golestān-e man bebar varaqi.
Gol hamin panj ruz u shish bāshad
V’in golestān hamisheh khush bāshad.
What use are trays of flowers?
Take a petal or two from my garden.
Flowers last but a few days, yet this garden
Of mine will stay perpetually in bloom
Each program concluded with the words: “This has been an immortal flower from the peerless garden of Persia Literature-a flower that shall never perish. Good night’ (In ham goli bud jāvidān az gulzār-e bi-hamtā-ye adab-e Irān, goli keh hargiz nimirad. Shab khush).