First of all, I think you should open your eyes (You do have eyes right?) and truly read my article carefully before writing some crap and trying to put words into my mouth.
I never ever said I want other ethnic groups to be forced into the “Persian” category, or converted by force into the Persian ethnic group, all I said was that I believe a law should be passed on that clearly mentions if someone wants to convert and be considered as part of the Persian people, that they can and should, BY CHOICE, cause let’s be realistic for a sec… Majority of Iranians no matter what background they’re from, consider theirself as Persians, meaning they speak persian, have Persian names, eat persian food, celeberate Persian holidays (Nowruz), and most important thing of all is that, again, they consider theirself as part of the persian ethnic group or family.
Further more, I DON’T, AGIAN, DON’T agree with the idealogy of “Freedom fighter Iran” or the thought of a “racially pure” Persian/Iranian people like Mr. “Freedom fighter Iran” (he has his opinions, and I have mine) because Persian is not a race, it’s an ethnicity, a culture, nationality and a language. Most Persians either come in white, or middle-eastern looking people, and even some in Asian (Ethnic Persians in Afghanistan like the hazaras), so it can’t be considered as a race, but an ethnicity (Learn the difference bewteen ethnicity and race).
One more thing, You talk about unity, yet you don’t realize that diversity (In a ethnic sense) truly means division/divided. Now how do you expect us to be a “Utopia” when we have millions upon millions of people trying to divide Iran, not only from the inside, but also from the outside? Open your eyes and realize that we will only become weaker and more divided by a federal Iran, then we’ll be defenseless, against the Pan-turks, Arabs, Afghans, and foreign baluchi seperatists.
Realize that as long as Iran is this ethnically divided, that you can’t expect everyone to have the same agendas or goal for Iran or the Iranian people.
We should take advantage of our situation, which is that most iranians no matter what background they’re from, consider theirself Persian, and would love to be considered into the Persian ethnic group. Ihis is why i believe we need to pass a law of convertion by will, not forced convertion (the people should choose if they want to convert and be considered into the Persian ethnic group and family). We need to do this while we can, cause maybe in a generation or two, this Persification process that the pahlavi dynasty (Shah) encouraged on the ethnic minority might fade away.
We need all Iranians/Persians united under the same idealogy, mentality, culture, goal, agenda, and especially under the same banner of flag, which is Iranian/Persian nationalism, that is, if we truly want to see Iran progress and go back to it’s advanced thinking and progressive form of state.
When this law does pass, it will bring the Iranian people closer, and unite them even more.
And as for your “Us having human rights during the Persian empire”, well, we’re not in the Persian empire anymore, now are we? All we are is a small country, and in these hostile times, you can’t let yur guard down…. Protect what you still have. A FEDERAL Iran will last for maybe about 50, 100 years top, a Nationalistic/democratic/secular united Iran will live on for another 3000 year or more.
That is all.
P.s, I believe we should first kick out the mullahs then discuss this further, don’t you? LOL