Total Strike and Participation of all Iranians in every City in Iran!

                                         ***In The Name Of GOD The Merciful and Kind***

Dear Ham-meehan,

In a historical moment as such where our Iranian Sisters and Brothers have put their dear and defenseless lives on the line against the Tyranny and Criminal Islamic Republic Regime in Iran, The rest of the country, in every city and village, in Government and Private sectors MUST go on total strike against this barbaric regime!

Neda and hundreds, perhaps Thousands of Iranians in the past 10 days have not given their holy lives for NOTHING!

It was for Freedom and Justice for Iranians and sake of human rights…

For the love of GOD, We must all go on strike and paralyze this EVIL Regime and their killer thugs inside Iran.

And for those of you Iranians outside, Please,please do not let go of any help to your brothers and sisters in IRAN.

Natarseed, Natarseed, Maa hameh baa ham hasteem…

Mobarezeh taa Peerozi…

May GOD bless all Freedom and Justice loving Iranians and people around the world…

Reza (Tehran, Iran)


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